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Molten make use of a mechanism call attributes for much of its data access. An Attribute is used to access a named piece of data about an object. This piece of data may represent a unique property on the data being accesssed, or it might represent a shared idea that can be applied to many types of objects, such as a human readable name or geographic position.

These Attributes are used in a variety of places in molten to facilitate different needs. For example, when presenting data columns in a table or information to see in a detail card, the user will pick which Attributes to use. When rendering to a geographic map, the geodetic position attribute can be used to place the object. When building a logical condition to do dynamic data styling or alerting, the Attributes can be selected to perform the conditional if/then logic.

The Attribute is acting as a delegate between the attribute name and a particular type of object. It provides a common interface to get data and in some cases, set data. Where pieces of information represent a well known and shared concept, a well known attribute name is used. Where the data represents very specific information, a unique attribute name can be used. To demonstrate this concept, here are some example attribute names:

Attribute Name What is it
name The user displayable name of the object. This is a shared Attribute that can be used in a generic information display or readout that tells the user what it is. Usually, every object type can have one of these, even if it just returns the objects unique id.
icon Returns an image url ro font icon class name used to represent the object
geoPosition This represents the latitude/longitude of an object. This could be used to map any geo spatial point object on a map, or perform a containment check against it for alert purposes.
boat.bilge.status A example of a unique attribute about a boat's bilge status. When an attribute is unique to a type of object, its name should be prefixed with the object type, boat in this case.
myType.myAttribute A example of a unique attribute.

The Attribute acts as a normalization mechanism between the name of the attribute and the type of an attribute. For example, an object of type car may store its geographic position in a lat and lon field, while an object of type boat may store it in a geoPosition : { latitude, longitude } subfield. The attribute for the car knows to access the lat and lon field and assemble the appropriate geoPosition object. The boat, likewise, would know to use the geoPosition field.

The attribute when registered, supplies the attibrute name and type of object it works against, as well as the method to retreive the data. This allows the car and boat attribute to extract the data appropriately based on the objects data type and return the correct format of the data.

The fields of an Attribute are:

Field Type Description
name string Defines the name of the attribute
objectType string The string name of the type of object the attribute can get/set data on.
valueType string The type of object the returned from get(). The valueType must be the same for all attributes with the same name.
displayName string The human display name of the attribute
get function A function( object, context ) that returns the value of the attribute for the given object. If Attributes.get() is invoked with the objRef, the data portion of the obejctRef will be given to this function unless the Attribute sets usesObjRef to true.
usesObjRef boolean Defaults to false. If this is true, the objRef will be given to the get() method
canSet function Optional. A function( objRef, value, context ) the should return true or false, indicating where or not the set function is available
set function Optional. A function( object, value, context ) invoked to perform the set

Attributes Library

The @leverege/ui-attributes library contains all of the base mechanics to make this work.

Value Types

There are many default valueTypes supplied. You can make your own as well. You will need to add other plugins to support other mechanism such as Details and Tables. Here is a list of the predefined valueTypes:

Value Type Return
string string
number number
timestamp Date
boolean boolean
int number
icon string of a url or a font icon class name
percent number
length UnitType
speed UnitType
acceleration UnitType
surface UnitType
volume UnitType
mass UnitType
time UnitType
frequency UnitType
angle UnitType
current UnitType
temperature UnitType
substanceAmount UnitType
luminousIntensity UnitType
force UnitType
energy UnitType
power UnitType
pressure UnitType
electricCharge UnitType
electricCapacitance UnitType
electricPotential UnitType
electricResistance UnitType
electricInductance UnitType
electricConductance UnitType
magneticFlux UnitType
magneticFluxDensity UnitType
bit UnitType
flow UnitType
geoPoint Object containing { lat, lon } where lat and lon are in degrees
geoJson string containing the geoJson data
relationship string (Imagine attribute type)
parentRelationship string id (Imagine attribute type)
enum string (Imagine attribute type)

UnitType is an object that contains { type : , value, unit }.

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