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Sometimes, especially for UI Plugins, the Plugins need to be ordered and arranged into a tree like structure. This can be true of actions in a menu, creators in a selector, and other such mechanisms. The Layout is supplied as a common way to do this ordering.

To use it:

import { Layout } from '@leverege/plugins'

const tree = Layout.create( arrayOfItems /*, { buildTree : true } */ )

This create call will look at every item in the array for a layout object. This object can have the following options:

Field Default Description
sort or item.type or '_z' This string is used to organize the objects into priorities. Items sorted with small sort values are higher in the list, so an 'a' will occur before a 'z' in sort order.
group [] An array of strings representing groups. In a tree, items that share the group path will end up in the same node in hierarchy.
groupNames [] The name of the group elements, used for human consumption. Only one item will contribute this value (the first one defining it)
groupIcons [] The icon (either url or font icon) of the groups, used for human consumption. Only one item will contribute this value (the first one defining it)

If create() is called with the buildTree option set to false, and array of objects containing { sort, group, groupKey, groupNames, groupIcons, item } will be returned.

If buildTree is not set or is true, the array will be turned into a tree, where the root and groups in the tree look like:

  type : 'layoutNode',
  items : [ ]

The items array will contain items from the original array and other layout nodes, created in order to support the hierarchy.

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