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This describes the values in the Molten Confg.js file.

Show/Hide the Layout Controller

Path Description

Allows visibility control of the layout button in GroupScreen and ItemInfoScreen.

  allowEditing : <boolean>;|<string>|<function>
for example:
  allowEditing : "Installer, Admin"
Would allow user in the persona of Installer or Admin to see the buttons
plugins/config/mapBoxPosition Sets default position and zoom.
  • selectedRezoomThreshold: Indicates at what range (or less ) the view should recenter/zoom in on the selected object.
  • selectedZoom: target zoom when selection occurs and rezoom threshold is exceeded. ( Negative one means dont zoom )
  • pathOptions: an object where the keys are the blueprint paths to allow customization of selectedRezoom options.
  center : [ -77.1902656, 39.1081595 ],
  zoom : 18,
  selectedRezoomThreshold : 12, // if we re beyond this range, selection will cause rezoom/center
  selectedZoom : 18, // this is the target range to go to on selection. 
  pathOptions : {
    building : { selectedRezoomThreshold : 10, selectedZoom : 18 }

UserManagement / ResourceUser Screen

Under plugins/config/ResourceUsers, the following keys can be set to change properties:

Key Default
activateAccountFieldValidators null
activateAccountPreSubmitComponents null
activateAccountValidator () => true
activateAccountCustomOnSubmit () =>
activateAccountSupportsLogin true
userSelectorUsernameLabel Email or Username*
userSelectorUsernameHint Enter Email or Username
userSelectorUsernameInstructions Enter user's email or username and hit enter or next to continue.
addUserTitle Add User
editUserTitle Edit User
addUserOkay Next
editUserUpdate Update
allowCreateUser true
allowInviteUser true
inviteEmailLabel Email*
inviteEmailHint Enter Email
createEmailLabel Account Email*
createEmailHint ex. [email protected]
createUsernameLabel Username
createUsernameHint Enter Username
activateEmailLabel Account Email*
createNameLabel Name*
createNameHint ex. John Smith
createPhoneLabel Phone Number
createPhoneHint ex. (555) 555-5555
createPasswordLabel Password
createPasswordHint Enter password
createConfirmPasswordLabel Confirm Password
createConfirmPasswordHint Re-enter password
screenIcon null
addDialogIcon null
editDialogIcon null
removeUserDialogIcon null

404 / LostScreen

Under plugins/config/LostScreen, the following keys can be set to change properties:

Key Default Description
title Oops! The title to put on the page
message We couldn't find this page - our apologies! The sub text to display to the user
button Let's find our way The label of the button on the ‘home’ link
link '/' The location to take the user when the button is pressed
image fa fa-meh-o The font icon or image url to display. This can also be an array of font icons and image urls. If it is an Array, one will randomly be selected and used.

These images are supplied as good initial resources:

LostScreen : {
  image : [


Under plugins/config/NetworkOffline, the following keys can be set to change properties:

Key Default Description
message Your Network connection has been lost. The message to display when network connection is lost.
icon fa fa-exclamation-triangle The font icon class or image url to display with the text, when the connection is lost.


Under plugins/config/BlueprintActions, the following keys can be set to change properties:

Key Default Description
updateIcon fa fa-pencil fa-fw The font icon class or image url to display for a blueprint update action.
createIcon fa fa-plus fa-fw The font icon class or image url to display for a blueprint create action.
bulkCreateIcon fa fa-plus fa-fw The font icon class or image url to display for a blueprint bulk create action.
removeIcon fa fa-trash fa-fw The font icon class or image url to display for a blueprint remove action.

No Data/No Search Results Views

Under plugins/config/ where is one of ListDataViewer or TableDataViewer the following keys can be set to change the no data/no search results views:

| Key | Default | Description | | noDataMessage | The class found in molten at: src/screens/shared/group/noData/NoDataView.jsx | The string or React Component/Function to render when there is no data in the table/list |

Under plugins/config/NoDataView the following keys can be set to configure the NoDataView that is used by default

Key Default Description
noDataTitle the name of the blueprint Can be overridden by a string in the blueprint or attribute
noDataBody Looks like there's nothing here, try creating something! Can be overridden by a string in the blueprint or attribute
noDataIcon Can be overridden by a string in the blueprint or attribute
noDataIconDimensions { height : 224, width : 224 } Can be overridden by a string in the blueprint or attribute
noDataDocLink null Can be overridden by a string in the blueprint or attribute
noSearchResultsTitle We couldn't find any matches for that Can be overridden by a string in the blueprint or attribute
noSearchResultsBody Please try searching for another item Can be overridden by a string in the blueprint or attribute
noSearchResultsIcon Can be overridden by a string in the blueprint or attribute
noSearchResultsIconDimensions { height : 224, width : 224 } Can be overridden by a string in the blueprint or attribute

Group Screen

Key Default Description
refreshTime 30000 Number of milliseconds between data refreshes on all group screens
/defaultPerPage 200 Default per page for a given relationship path
defaultPerPage 200 Default per page for all GroupScreens (used as a fallback if no value specified for a specific path)
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