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Data Viewers

Data Viewers are widgets that are used to display viewers and editors about a certain data set. The root controller will load the base data and supply it to the data viewers as props. The root controller will manage the layout and its models, which allows data viewers to be added and removed in particular locations. The root Layout consists of two main sections and four surrounding auxilary sections ( top, bottom, left, right ). These sections are fixed to the screen current screen size, meaning that they do now scroll off the screen: the top is fixed to the top of the area, the bottom to the bottom, left and right to the sides, and the remaining section is divided amongst the two main sections. Any one of these sections can be null, and its space is given to the other data viewers. A special DashboardDataViewer that support Cards allows these sections to be further divided and scrolled.

DataViewers are made available for use via the Plugins mechanism under the key DataViewer. DataViewer plugins will act handle to the various parts of the DataViewer: the name/usage, the DataViewer's settings model, and the React component used to display the data to the user. The DataViewer's interface looks like this:

Filed Type Description
id string The unique DataViewer plugin id
type string The unique type of the DataViewer.
name string The human readable name of the plugin
icon string The url or font icon class name of the image used to represent the icon.
location string or array of strings Specifies where in the layout the DataViewer is usable. See Locations
matches object or function This is used to determine if the DataViewer should be used in controllers layout. See below.
createSettings function(props) Creates and returns the DataViewer's Settings model.
updateSettings funciton Optional function( { settings, props } ) to allow upgrading of the settings model.
component React.Component A react component to use to render. Only this or render should be supplied.
render function A function given props. It should return the create react component. Only this or component should be supplied.
getCardTitle function Used with card location. A function( model, dashboardContext ) that returns the card's title, if it is visible
getCardIcon function Used with card location. A function( model, dashboardContext ) that returns the card's icon, if it is visible
getCardRequired function Used with card location. This ( model, factory, dashboardContext ) returns the required support models/editors that should be present at the dashboards root.
getCardMenuEditor function Used with card location. A function( props ) that returns an editor for the card's editor menu.
getCardFooterEditor function Used with card location. A function( props ) that returns an editor for the card footer.
getDefaultCardContentOptions object or function Used with card location. A function( props, dashboardContext ) that returns an object that can specify the card contents height, minHeight, and maxHeight. or an object such as { height : '300px' }. The props are the same as the dashboardContext.sharedProps object, which will the props given to the DataViewer.
getDefaultCardOptions object or function Used with card location. A function( props, dashboardContext ) that returns an object that can specify the card default card options, such as width (span), height (span), style, titleVisible or or an object such as { width : 2 } The props are the same as the dashboardContext.sharedProps object, which will the props given to the DataViewer

Match Context

Not all DataViewers will work with all root controllers. The DataViewers will use the match mechanism to determine if the root controller supplies the appropriated context that will allow the DataViewer to work. The root controller defines the match context used when determining the possible DataViewers to use and can consist any fields. In Molten, the GroupScreen and ItemInfoScreen are used alot. Their match contexts look like this:

Match Field Value Meaning
type 'GroupDataViewer' or 'ItemInfoDataViewer' This is legacy, and defines a similar concept as the client below.
client 'GroupScreen' or 'ItemInfoScreen' This is the type of the root controller.
clientType string The specific client type. If the implementation does not supply this, it will be either 'GroupScreen' or 'ItemInfoScreen'
path string The relationship path
objectType string The type of objects at the relationship path
relationship Relationship The relationship object
mobile boolean True or false depending on if this is a mobile client or desktop client

Location Strings

DataViewers can restrict where they can be used via its location field:

Location String Meaning
main This DataViewer can be used the two center layout sections.
aux This DataViewer can be used the on of the four auxilary sections.
card This DataViewer can be used as a card in the DashboardDataViewer. Its DataViewer can have card specific functions.
any This is the same as [ 'main', 'aux', 'card' ]
hidden All hidden data viewers are loaded for the layout, but will not be seen. The purpose of hidden DataViewers is to load or prepare other data. It should be a viewless component, meaning its render function returns null.
support Not for use by the root controller, but meant as support for other DataViewers.


File MyDataViewer.js.

  import I18N from '@leverege/i18n'
  const { tf, tfIcon } = I18N.ns( 'my.MyDataViewer' )

  export default {
    id : 'my.MyDataViewer',
    type : 'my.MyDataViewer',
    name : tf( 'name' ),
    icon : tfIcon( 'configIcon' ),
    location : [ 'main' ],
    matches : { client : 'GroupScreen },
    createSettings : ( props ) => {
      return MyDataViewerModel.create()
    settingsUpdaters : ( { settings, ...opts } ) => { },
    component : MyDataView,

Be sure to install your plugin in your PluginSetup.js file.

  molten.addPlugin( 'DataViewer', MyDataViewer )

GroupScreen and ItemInfoScreen DataViewer Props

When a DataViewer is used in a GroupScreen or ItemInfoScreen, the following props will be supplied the Component or render function.

Prop Type Description
... All of the fields in the match context
actions object Deprecated. The Delegate object
data object The current data. The data.items maybe sparce if multiple non-sequential pages have been loaded. Use the pagination to access a single page. The values in data are
dataViewer DataViewer The DataViewer
dataViewerId string The id of the data from the LayoutModel
dataViewerInstanceId string An id tied to the current incarnation of the data viewer component. Useful as a key in dashboard style layouts. Using dataViewerId in a situation like this can lead to duplicate ids when a data viewer's model is copied
dataViewerModel object The DataViewerModel
dataViewers DataViewer Object containing the available data viewers and context. { context : {...}, dataViewers : [...] }
delegate object An object used to request creations, delections, etc from the server. The actions should be dispatched.
dispatch object The redux dispatch
filter object The FilterSourceModel. This is only present in the GroupScreen.
filterName string The key used to store the filter object within the FilterSourcesModel. Used as then data property when calling the onFilterChange function. This is only present in the GroupScreen.
filters object The FiltersSourceModel. This is only present in the GroupScreen.
history object The connected react router history object
isMobile boolean True or false depending on if this is a mobile client or desktop client. repeat of mobile.
item ObjRef The current object ref. This is only present in the ItemInfoScreen.
layout object The root layout model. (GroupScreen only)
loading boolean True if the data is being loaded
location object The connected react router location object
match object The connected react router match object
model boolean The settings component of the dataViewerModel
objectType string The object type, which is the blueprint's alias or id
onFilterChange function Invoke this when the data screen wishes to change its contribution to the filter and sort. The argument should be an event contining { data : filterName, value : newFilterModelObject }. This is only present in the GroupScreen.
onSettingsChange function the function to call to modify the settings object.
overrideModel Obejct The current overrides for this data viewer. May be null. Key value pairs set using overrides.
overrides Obejct Use overrides.set( dataViewerId, key, value ) to store settings outside of settings model.
paginator object The object used to manage pagination.
parentItem ObjRef The parent object ref, if available.
path string The data path of the current screen (e.g. location.vehicles)
profile object The current users profile
reloadData function A function to call to retrigger data loading
rolloverKey string The key used with Selections to manage objects that are rolled over
selectionKey string The key used with Selections to manage objects that are selected
settings object The DataViewer's settings model:
settingsData any DataViewers must give this as the data option to the change event fired in onSettingChanged
settingsPath string The path used with UserSettings to save data.
targetKey string The key used with Selections to manage objects that are targeted
vertical boolean If the DataViewer is used in a header/footer capacity, this will indicate the direction the component will be layed out. This is undefined for primary DataViewers.
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