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Glyph Symbolizers

Similar to Colorizers, Glyph Symbolizers can be used to conditionally render a glyph at a data point based on the data data in the target object. They allow you to define a function which can return a symbol to be used by a glyph renderer (either for a series data point or a rollover tooltip indicator).

UI Attributes Graphs comes with one built-in Glyph Symbolizer, the Value Glyph Symbolizer which simple allows a user to choose a static string of text to be rendered at every point.

Custom Glyph Symbolizers

Here is an example of an Alert Symbolizer that shows a particular symbol when a given temperature threshold has been exceeded:


File AlertGlyphSymbolizer.js.

import ModelUtil from '@leverege/model-util'
import { Attributes } from '@leverege/ui-attributes'

const TYPE = 'symbolizer.test.history.Alert'

export default {
  create() {
    return {
      type : TYPE,
      value : 30,
      symbol : '😃',
      alertSymbol : '😈'
  symbolFor( model, obj, context ) {
    const temp = Attributes.get( 'test.history.temperature', obj.type, )

    if ( temp.value > model.value ) {
      return model.alertSymbol

    return model.symbol
  ...ModelUtil.createAllValue( 'value' ),
  ...ModelUtil.createAllValue( 'symbol' ),
  ...ModelUtil.createAllValue( 'alertSymbol' ),

File AlertSymbolizerEditor.jsx.

import { NumericInput, TextInput, PropertyGrid } from '@leverege/ui-elements'
import { useValueChange } from '@leverege/ui-hooks'

import AlertGlyphSymbolizer from './AlertGlyphSymbolizer'

export default function AlertSymbolizerEditor( props ) {
  const { value } = props

  const onModelChange = useValueChange( AlertGlyphSymbolizer, props )

  return (
      <PropertyGrid.Item label="Alert Value">
          value={AlertGlyphSymbolizer.getValue( value )}
          hint="Alert Value"
          onChange={onModelChange} />
      <PropertyGrid.Item label="Symbol">
          value={AlertGlyphSymbolizer.getSymbol( value )}
          onChange={onModelChange} />
      <PropertyGrid.Item label="Alert Symbol">
          value={AlertGlyphSymbolizer.getAlertSymbol( value )}
          hint="Alert Symbol"
          onChange={onModelChange} />

File PluginSetup.js.

import AlertGlyphSymbolizer from './AlertGlyphSymbolizer'
import AlertSymbolizerEditor from './AlertSymbolizerEditor'

molten.addPlugin( 'Model', { type : AlertGlyphSymbolizer.TYPE, model : AlertGlyphSymbolizer } )
molten.addPlugin( 'ModelEditor', { type : AlertGlyphSymbolizer.TYPE, editor : AlertSymbolizerEditor } )
molten.addPlugin( 'GlyphSymbolizer', { type : AlertGlyphSymbolizer.TYPE, name : 'Alert Symbolizer', symbolizer : AlertGlyphSymbolizer } )

This Glyph Symbolizer will render a 😃 when an object's temperature is less than or equal to a ceratin threshold and a 😈 when the temperature is greater.

You are encouraged to use Glyph Symbolizers in your own plugins when applicable to increase potential customization by users.

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