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Unsurprisingly, the purpose of the Table module is to render tabular data. To do so, it needs a model, some data and a renderer.


The TableModel from the @leverege/ui-attributes library provides all of the configuration options necessary to render a table component. THe only top-level option is whether each table row should be selectable, meaning whether a checkbox should be rendered to the left most side of each row to allow selection. The rest of the table model is dedicated to a list of Columns, each of which has their own options which are documented elsewhere. It is worth noting here however that ColumnCreators (objects that are capable of creating table column models) are automatically generated for each Attribute that is created, making attributes eligible for inclusion in a table by default.


The data for a table instance is simply an array of object refs.


The renderer for a Table is the TableView, found in @leverege/molten.

Actions Match

There are four toolbars within each table view that you can target to install Actions with the following match contexts:

Location Match Context
Top Left { use : 'filterBar', client : 'TableDataViewer | HistoryTableViewer', objectType, path }
Top Right { use : 'actionBar', client : 'TableDataViewer | HistoryTableViewer', objectType, path }
Bottom Left { use : 'footerLeft', client : 'TableDataViewer | HistoryTableViewer', objectType, path }
Bottom Right { use : 'footerRight', client : 'TableDataViewer | HistoryTableViewer', objectType, path }
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